DC Metering Technical Standards Committee

Basic Charter:
This standard establishes acceptable performance criteria for revenue grade dc watthour meters and demand meters. Accuracy class designations, current class designations, voltage ratings, environmental tests, and immunity tests are covered.
Test procedures for voltage and current sensors that are separate (transducers) from the meter are also covered. This document is designed as a reference for those concerned with the design of dc electricity metering, such as utilities, manufacturers, and regulatory bodies, operators / service providers.
Meeting Schedule:
This committee is now in recess. Responsibility and futher development and revision of this standard has been passed on to the ANSI DC Metering Technical Standards Committee for the ANSI C12.32-2021 standard, which establishes performance criteria for revenue grade direct current (DC) watt hour meters and demand meters. The committee’s final action date was March 4, 2021
Distinguished Chairman’s Award

Duke Energy
Chairman E
Merge DC Metering Standards Committee

Current Activities:
NOTICE: The American National Standards Institute recorded the final action of its C12 standards committee to approve the standard in its weekly publishing of of the ANSI Standards Actions registry, Volume 52 Issue 11, wherein it simply states: “New Standard ANSI C12.32-2021, Electricity Meters for the Measurement of DC Energy (new standard) Final Action Date: 3/4/2021.” Committee Chairman Tom Nelson of NIST and Committee Secretary Paul Orr of NEMA oversaw months of tireless review of the EMerge draft by a workgroup led by Duke Energy’s Charlie Ploeger who finalized the document and shepherded it through ANSI’s formal vetting and approval process. Copies of the standard are published and available from ANSI.
Released Standards:
Printing and release by ANSI.